Shutter therapy: Discover photography’s surprising mental health benefits and how it can have positive effects when living with depression and anxiety.

I’ve received help from many so-called specialists. If I’m being honest, I found most of them patronizing, rude, arrogant, and unapproachable. I passionately believe that those with lived experience of depression are the best qualified to educate about depression, especially the reality and impact of it how it feels, what helped, and what didn’t. The most positive help I received came from a company called Thinking Ahead. I couldn’t speak highly enough of the service they provided, and would most definitely recommend them. Thinking Ahead is for anyone aged 16+ who is registered with a GP in Rochdale, Middleton, or Heywood. Thinking Ahead provides free NHS psychological therapies to help those who are feeling distressed by difficult events in their lives as well as people with common mental health difficulties. Therapy can be provided one-to-one, in a group, over the phone, via video call, or online. I’ll leave a direct link to thinking ahead at the bottom of this blog.

One question sits in the front of my mind that every person I’ve been to for help has asked me. Describe how you feel? It was always difficult to answer. People who live or have lived with the illness are likely to understand what I mean when I say it was always difficult to answer. How do you describe depression? You're numb and confused, so how can you answer that question? You can’t! That’s where photography and nature came into play, and helped me, to understand myself.

Photography and nature can have a positive effect on mental health and well-being. It can boost self-esteem, confidence, memory, and decision-making. When we struggle with our mental well-being, photography can be beneficial for our mental health. Photography can help calm our busy minds, give us an outlet for our emotions, and give us a voice. Also, it can help you showcase your creativity, as a result, make you feel more positive. Combining your photography with creative writing can be a great way to release stress and tension. You can also use your pictures to explore your mental health and how to improve it. Showcasing your work alongside creative writing can help others recognize how photography can contribute to wellness. When you are photographing, be mindful of your surroundings, and take time to focus on photography. You’ll find anxiety levels will decrease.

Depression and anxiety can leave us feeling useless, often feeling as though we’ve got nothing to offer anybody and have no qualities of our own. Lack of interest or motivation in life, feelings of hopelessness, and a lack of self-esteem. Often accompanied by physical symptoms such as low mood, poor sleep, and eating problems. Photography is a powerful medium for both the photographer and the viewer. Whether you are looking to capture the moment for your benefit or share your work with the world, photography can be a powerful tool. Take the time to look back on your photographs. This can boost your self-esteem and confidence. Not only will you be proud of the work you have done, but you will also be able to see your progress.


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